Standard 3: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice

The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school personnel develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn.


Memoranda of understanding, contracts, and/or other documents that demonstrate partnerships with schools.


Criteria for the selection of school faculty.


Documentation of the preparation of school faculty for their roles

  • Initial Programs:

   - Exemplary cooperating teachers development
   - Mentoring / Peer Coaching Institutes 2007 and 2008

   - The letters that were sent out to the cooperating teachers in Spring 2011
     Fall 2010, & Spring 2010

  • Advanced Programs:
   - Educational Leadership candidate and WPU field advisor overview
   - Mentor presentation
   - Advisor meeting agenda

Descriptions of field experiences and clinical practice requirements in programs for initial and advanced teacher candidates and other school professionals.


Guidelines / handbooks for student teaching and internships.


Examples across programs of collaborative activities between unit and P-12 schools to support the design, implementation, and evaluation of field experiences and clinical practice, including memoranda of understanding.


Policies, practices, and data on candidate placement in field experiences and clinical practice.

  • Initial Programs: 

- Policies and procedures 
- Field placement process
- Office of Field Experiences Frequently Asked Questions 

       - Placement data
         Practicum Fall 2010, Practicum Spring 2011 
         Student Teaching Fall 2010, Student Teaching Spring 2011 

  • Advanced Programs: 

         - Policies and procedures 
- Placement data: 
Advanced programs
           Clinics [ Math Clinic | Reading Clinic | Learning Disabilities Clinic ]


Examples of support and evaluation of clinical faculty across programs.


Assessment instruments and scoring guides used for and data collected from field experiences and clinical practice for all programs, including use of technology for teaching and learning.

      - M. Ed. in Literacy:
Reading: Instrument | Data
Language Arts: Instrument | Data

     - M. Ed. in Educational Leadership: Instrument | Data

     - M. Ed. in Special Education:        
Advanced Studies: Instrument | Data
Learning Disabilities:
Instrument | Data

M. Ed. in Professional Counseling: Instrument | Data

3.10. Performance data on candidates entering and exiting from clinical practice for all programs.


 Data table on demographics of P-12 students in schools used for clinical practice.