Understanding DegreeWorks – New Dashboard (Students)

About Degree Works

DegreeWorks is an easy-to-use web based academic advising tool for undergraduate programs. This system allows faculty, advisors and staff to make informed decisions regarding academic progress toward degree completion.

Accessing Degree Works from WP Connect

Select Degree Works under the My Degree heading in your Students tab.




The top information block shows a summary of your program information, advisor, your email, transfer credit information, Basic Skills/Foundations scores, graduation status and any holds active on your account.

Top Info Block.png

The Degree requirements section shows a detailed breakdown of your program and university requirements, including University Core Curriculum or UCC, major, if applicable minor, GPA, and world language.

Degree Requirements Section.png

All students must demonstrate foundational knowledge in Math, Reading, and Writing via placement test or college-level transfer credit. Click here for more information about foundations requirements: https://www.wpunj.edu/firstyearfoundations/

Foundations Requirement.png


The University Core Curriculum blocks display UCC, writing and technology intensive requirements. Please note that each requirement includes hyperlinks with the most current semester course options for that area. Some majors require specific courses be taken and others are a choice. You should always discuss course options with your academic advisor prior to registration.



Each requirement includes hyperlinks.


Click on the hyperlink to view the most current semester course options for that area.


The world language block displays the world language requirement, refer to the link for specific requirements and keep in mind that placement testing is required: Click here for more information about the World Language requirement, including placement testing.

World Languages Requirement.png

The major and minor blocks show the requirements for your declared major(s) and minor(s). All courses and elective requirements are hyperlinked to show the current semester options.

*Remember that although courses may apply to several requirement areas within the audit each course is only counted once towards the overall credit total.

Major Minor Requirements.png

This area shows free-elective courses that apply to your overall credit total. Courses that do not apply to your degree appear in the grades not applicable toward degree section.

Free Electives And Not Counted.png

In-progress courses apply to the overall credit total in DegreeWorks.

In Progress.png

The notes section appears at the bottom of the audit. This area shows Advisement notes and Registrar graduation status notes.


Click the mail icon at the top of the audit to email your academic advisor and financial aid counselor.

Email Advisor.png

For a STEP by STEP breakdown of how to process WHAT-IF Evaluations click: here 

  • Once you have pulled up your worksheet in degree works and noted the catalog year, locate the “What-If” link below the top block and click the text.
  • Do not click “Use Current curriculum” unless you are planning courses for the current program.
  • Catalog Year:
    • Choose your catalog year (found on your worksheet) from the drop-down. It will default to the current year in What-If.
    • If you are thinking of adding a major or minor that is new or did not exist during your catalog year you will need to select the most recent catalog year to view requirements (i.e. 2023-2024).
  • Keep in mind that the first program will drive the UCC requirements.
  • OL indicates WP Online programs.
  • Reset will clear What-If selection(s).
  • When you are finished with viewing a What-If be sure to click “Academic” to go back to the degree audit.