
State program review documents and state findings.

(Program documents will be available in the documents room, during the onsite visit.)
1.2.  a. Title II reports submitted to the state for the previous three years:

b. Praxis Data for the advanced programs:

1.3. Key assessments and scoring guides used by faculty to assess candidate learning against standards and the outcomes identified in the unit’s conceptual framework for programs not included in the national program review  process or a similar state process.

Data tables and summaries that show how teacher candidates (both initial and advanced) have performed on key assessments over the past three years for programs not included in the national program review process or a similar state process.

a. Initial Programs: 

1) Praxis II Exam: See Exhibit 1.2.a
2) Dispositions Assessment: See Exhibit 1.8
3) OPI
20 Competencies Assessment- Practicum - CF Outcome: all, Knowledge, Applications & Dispositions (Spring 2009 - Fall 2010)
5) 20 Competencies Assessment- Student Teaching - CF Outcome: Knowledge, Applications, & Dispositions (Fall 2008 - Spring 2011): 

        - English: Post- Baccalaureate
        - Foreign Languages: Post Baccalaureate (
F2008, S2009, S2010, F2010, & S2011:
                                                                      No candidates)

Mathematics: Post Baccalaureate  (S2009 & F2009: 
No candidates)
Science: Post Baccalaureate (S2009 & S2011: No candidates
        - Social Studies: Post-Baccalaureate 

          6) SPA Competencies: ACTFL (no candidates) | NCSS | NCTE | NCTM | NSTA

          7) Teacher Work Sample (TWS) unit data: 
           * TWS data for the non-spa programs: 

           - PB K-12 (Assessments 3 and 5): 
 | Science | Social Studies | Foreign Language

       * TWS data for the nationally recognized programs:

          - UG K-12 (Assessments 3 and 5):
English | Math | Science | Social Studies | Foreign Language

    8) Self Assessment (Program Completion Questionnaires): S2007 - S2009

b. Advanced Programs:

* M.Ed. in Curriculum and Learning:
Overall program data
(Assessment 1 & Assessment 5)
    Concentration data:
      - Data table
      - Aggregated data:
Assessment 2, Assessment 3, Assessment 4, Assessment 6,
                                  Assessment 7, Assessment 8

    Early Childhood:
      - Data table
      - Aggregated data:
Assessment 2, Assessment 3, Assessment 4, Assessment 6,
                                  Assessment 7, Assessment 8

     Middle and High School Mathematics

    Teaching Children Mathematics:
Data table
      - Aggregated data: Assessment 2,
Assessment 3, Assessment 4, Assessment 6,
Assessment 7, Assessment 8

* M.Ed. in Literacy (Language Arts concentration)

* M.Ed. in Special Education: Advanced Studies concentration
      - Data table
      - Aggregated data: Assessment 1, Assessment 3, Assessment 4 


Samples of candidate work.

      - Sample 2 (M.Ed. in Literacy):
Target | Acceptable

      - Sample 3 (Educational Leadership):
        Target (Wayne campus), Target (Delran campus)

Comprehensive Exit Project:  
Electronic Portfolio:

-  Sample 1 ( M. Ed in Curriculum & Learning program: School Library Media concentration):
TargetEmail acknowledgment)

- Sample 1 (M. Ed in Curriculum & Learning program: Early Childhood concentration):

(Video clip for the math & science lesson; Video clip for the multicultural lesson, Email acknowledgment) | Acceptable

Three-Session Staff Development or Parent Education Workshop Plan: 
- Sample 1 (M. Ed in Curriculum & Learning program: Teaching Children Mathematics concentration):
Target | Acceptable

1.6. Follow-up studies of graduates and data tables of results.
    - Advanced Program Graduates Survey Report, 2011

1.7. Employer feedback on graduates and summaries of the results.


List of candidate dispositions, including fairness and the belief that all students can learn, and related assessments, scoring guides, and data.