Turning 18

Before a child with an intellectual and/or developmental disabilities turns 18, there are important steps that parents or guardians should be prepared to take. These steps include the following:

  1. Obtain a state issued ID.See www.state.nj.us/mvc/license/nondriverid.htm
  2. Determine whether it is appropriate to seek guardianship, obtain a power of attorney or medical proxy.
  3. Start transition planning (this can be done starting at age 14). Transition planning sources of assistance include:
    • The School District-Transition planning should start in the IEP at this point.
    • Planning for Adult Life (through the ARC) planningforadultlife.org-has many archived webinars, offers seminars and workshops and has a transition team for each county.
    • The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)
  4. Make sure your child’s assets are under $2,000 (start before age 15 due to Social Security’s three year look back period)

At age 18: As soon as the child turns 18, the following steps should be taken:

  1. If appropriate, seek full or limited guardianship, obtain a power of attorney and/or medical proxy and a living will.
  2. Apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). If obtained, the recipient will automatically receive Medicaid.
  3. If your child does not qualify for SSI, then take steps to obtain Medicaid in another manner.
  4. Begin the DDD application.
  5. Once the DDD application is completed and approved, complete the NJ Comprehensive Assessment Tool (NJCAT).

Infographic: See the link for a simplified guide to the above information.

Additional information:

Post Secondary information: For information about post secondary options, please see this guide: https://boggscenter.rwjms.rutgers.edu/resources/publications/self-advocates-guide-to-choosing-a-post-secondary-program

Working Information: For information about work, please see https://nj.gov/labor/career-services/special-services/individuals-with-disabilities/index.shtml

Approaching age 21: See the attached link for a detailed guide as to steps to take as your child approaches age 21 and exits the school system.
