The Pioneer Times

The Pioneer Times is published by the Department of Communication at William Paterson University. This is a student-run newspaper with faculty support. Editorial opinion does not reflect that of the University, its administration, or faculty.

How can I get involved?

The Pioneer Times is always looking for new writers. Students who are interested in writing for the Pioneer Times should send an email to


The Pioneer Times is also associated with COMM 4590 Journalism Field Studies, which is offered each Fall, where students publish the work they create to the online news site.  In other courses, professors can assign work and encourage students to publish in the Pioneer Times or The Beacon, the student newspaper on campus. The work from other courses can include journalistic work, photos, videos, and podcasts.


Students may also choose to write for the Pioneer Times as part of an Internal Internship. Please set up a meeting with Professor Birge to learn more, 

Read the online edition of the Pioneer Times. 

Letters to the Editor and Op-Ed Submissons

Letters to the editor and op-ed submission are welcome. Op-ed submission should be limited to 500 words. All submissions must include the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the writer. The staff will contact writers whose work is to be used.