Technology Across the Curriculum

TAC pic

Reporting to the Provost, Technology Across the Curriculum (TAC) is a collaborative effort of faculty, the Library, and Instruction & Research Technology. TAC recommends technological resources and strategies to the university community in order to promote and support student success, educational excellence, and professional development. TAC advocates for university-wide efforts using technology to enhance: 

  • Teaching and Learning  
  • Faculty Development on Digital Pedagogies  
  • Infusing Academics with Digital Literacy Components 
  • Assuring Quality in Hybrid and Online Courses 

In addition, TAC serves as a two-way communication hub for educational technology issues. Members from each department bring questions and ideas from their colleagues to TAC and disseminate information back to their departments. 

TAC also holds events each year to highlight technology and its educational uses to the university.

For more information about Technology Across the Curriculum, please contact Co-Chairs, Gamin Bartle ( and Tony Joachim ( 

TAC Membership

TAC representatives serve as liaisons between their departments and the broader technology-user community and supporting departments. Each member serves a staggered two-year term. Responsibilities include:

  • Communicating the technology agendas of their departments (i.e. IS, IRT, Library).
  • Sharing pedagogical information.
  • Brainstorming technological weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and solutions.
  • Disseminating technological information and updates to their departments.

Each TAC member has one vote. TAC members unable to attend a meeting due to conflicts are asked to send a replacement for the meeting who will assume the representative’s responsibilities and voting privilege.

TAC membership consists of:

  • One faculty member from each Academic Department of the University.
  • One representative from each of the following departments or offices:
    • Instruction and Research Technology (IRT)
    • Library faculty
    • Directors from designated support units

2023-2024 Academic Year


Department Representative
Art Steven Rittler
Communication Jennifer Owlett
Community & Social Justice Studies Ruth Maher
History, Philosophy, & Liberal Studies Pete Mandik
Languages, Literature, Culture, & Writing Franklin Rodriguez
Music Scott Greenberg
Political Science, Legal, & Urban Studies Aaron Tesfaye
Psychology Christopher Holle
Sociology & Criminal Justice Andrew Gladfelter*


Department Representative
Accounting & Law Dongliang Lei
Economics, Finance, & Global Business Demetri Tsanacas
Management, Marketing, & Professional Sales Mehmet Turkoz


Department Representative
Educational Leadership & Professional Studies Gigi Mohamad
Special Education, Professional Counseling, & Disability Studies Tim VanderGast
Teacher Education: PreK-12 Lisa Warner


Department Representative
Biology Kelley Healey
Chemistry Nishikant Satam
Speech Language Pathology Eunsun Park
Computer Science Abdelrahman Elleithy
Environmental Science vacant
Kinesiology Jaclyn Morrissette
Mathematical Sciences Kevin Martus
Nursing Sharon Puchalski
Public Health Naa-Solo Tettey


Department Representative
Information Systems Patrick Ryan*
Instruction & Research Technology Jae Kim
COAHSS Director of Digital Learning and Outreach James Miles
Library Faculty Tony Joachim

* = Co-chairs