Faculty Development Workshops

Faculty Development Workshops (FDW)

For information or appointments contact the CTLT:
Email: The Center for Teaching & Learning with Technology 
Phone: (973) 720-2659 or -2451
Location: Cheng Library 120e, h, i, j, k 

Solutions for integrating technology with teaching & learning   roundtable

Active Classroom

An active learning classroom offers a student-centered, technology-rich, learning environment. At a glance the active learning classroom is very different from a regular one: The room design, flexible furniture, writing surfaces, and technology, support faculty in engaging with their students through the integrated use of media and collaborative learning activities. In the semester long cohort sessions, participants will have an opportunity to discuss the followings: Why a faculty member chooses to teach in this environment? What are the benefits of using this learning environment? With this changed learning environment, what classroom teaching strategies you can use? Additionally, some ways you can incorporate the active learning strategies that can be used in your regular classroom will be discussed. (See Active Learning Institute)

Flipped Classroom

In the flipped classroom, instruction with teacher-created videos and interactive lessons that used to occur in class is now accessed at home, in advance of class. Class becomes the place to work through problems, advance concepts, and engage in collaborative learning. In the semester long cohort sessions, participants will explore the pros and cons, and strategies on using flipped Classes method in various disciplines. Guidelines and tips for preparing the flipped classes will be discussed.

Creating Effective Presentations

Presentations offered in the online or blended environments can be either deadly boring or incise and impactful.  In this workshop we’ll discuss both the techniques and the tools to help you create and present creative, memorable presentations.

 Academic Integrity

An open discussion academic integrity in both online blended courses and will explore strategies to curtail cheating. At William Paterson plagiarism is described, in part, as “the copying from a book, article, notebook, video, or other source material, whether published or unpublished, without proper credit through the use of quotation marks, footnotes, and other customary means of identifying sources, or passing off as one’s own the ideas, words, writings, programs, and experiments of another, whether or not such actions are intentional or unintentional.”  These processes can be both easier and more subtly accomplished online, and this workshop will cover various strategies to keep students learning rather than copying! 

Online/Blended Course Design Principles

By reviewing a course design model, the participants will get a big picture of a process of making a complete course design.

Syllabus Design Principles

Learn how to create a syllabus that highlights your teaching style and learning objectives. An online or blended syllabus needs to be very detailed, and in this workshop we’ll cover what items need to be included and suggest means of presentation.