What do my placement scores mean? When you receive your placement results you’ll receive three pieces of information: how you scored on each exam you took whether you placed into college level classes what kind of re-testing or support programs you’ll need to complete. The table below will show you: SAT cut-off scores we use to determine if you need placement testing in that area Cut-off scores for each area (if score at or above these, you’re at college level in that area) An idea of the range of placement scores that relate to different support options, including Foundations Courses Score Math Reading Writing What this means SAT cut-off score 600 – MSAT section 550 – VSAT section 550 – VSAT section At or above this score, you don’t have to take a placement test Placement test cut-off score 85 on the Math placement 75 on the Reading placement Score of 8 on the essay; 85 on the Sentence Skills placement At or above this, you’ve placed into college level classes in this area Range on placement test 70 – 84 on the Math placement 65 -74 on the Reading placement Essay score 7 or below and Sentence Skills score between 75 - 84 In this range you’ll need additional preparation or workshops and re-testing Range on placement test 69 or below on the Math placement 64 or below on the Reading placement Essay score 7 or below and Sentence Skills score at 74 or below In this range you’ll need a summer program or semester course Please remember, other information like your high school transcripts, types of courses you’ve taken, academic index and other scores are used to help determine what types of support and preparation will be helpful.