Office of Field Experiences Home


The Office of Field Experiences creates, promotes, and supports mutually beneficial clinical partnerships between the College of Education and P-12 SCHOOL DISTRICTS so that: TEACHER CANDIDATES engage in and reflect on high quality clinical experiences; CLINICAL EDUCATORS grow as mentors and teacher leaders; and together they also collaborate in teaching and learning, professional development, and reflection to create a positive impact on P-12 STUDENT learning and their LARGER COMMUNITIES.

Quick Links

Virtual Clinical Placement Bulletin Board
Clinical Experiences Handbook
NJDOE Background Check Directions
NJDOE Background Check Outcomes 
NJDOE Substitute Credential Application Directions
NJDOE Substitute Credential Video Tutorial
Implementing edTPA at WP
Interact Directions
Edclinic Link

Clinical Practice I (CPI) PRAXIS Requirement:  

Participation in Clinical Practice I requires that a teacher candidate has taken all parts of all PRAXIS (II) Subject Assessment exam(s) relative to the education major and endorsements.  The teacher candidate does not need to pass any or all parts of the exam, but must have attempted it.  Official scores must be received by the Office of Education Enrollment and Certification by August 15th  for Fall CPI and by January 1st for Spring CPI.  

Clinical Practice II (CPII) Passing PRAXIS Requirement:
Participation in Clinical Practice II requires that a teacher candidate has passed all parts of all PRAXIS (II) Subject Assessment exam(s) relative to the education major and endorsements.  Official scores must be received by the Office of Education Enrollment and Certification by August 15th  for Fall CPII and by January 1st for Spring CPII.  

NOTE:  Make sure to leave at least one month for scores to be reported.