Video Clipping for Mac Users

Video Tutorial for Clipping with iMovie

How to clip videos in iMovie:
  1. Download all videos from edclinic and save them onto a flash drive.
  2. Open iMovie.
  3. Select “Projects” at the top.
  4. Select “Create New” followed by “Movie”.
  5. Drag all of your desired clips to the blank, grey area located at the bottom of the iMovie screen.
  6. You may place your cursor (which displays a white line when hovering above the clip) at any point in the clip to play it.
  7. When you have identified where you would like to clip your video, pause the video with the cursor in the paused spot. 
  8. RIGHT click on the right of the cursor and select "Split Clip". This will split the clip in 2.
  9. You may continue to split the video clip as many times as you need to isolate the 10 minute continuous clip for your edTPA upload. 
  10. Any unwanted, clipped sections of the video may be selected and deleted using your computer's "delete" button. 
  11. When you have deleted all of the unwanted clippings, place your cursor (which displays a white line when hovering above the clip) at the beginning of the clip to play it.
  12. When you are satisfied with your continuous clip, click on the “Share” button in the far right corner at the top of the screen, and select “File”.
  13. Allow time for your video to download.
  14. Continue this process on all videos that you deem necessary.