Workday FAQs

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Budget Questions: Enter a Help Ticket with a request type of Workday, subtype Budget.

Technical System Questions: Enter a Help Ticket with a request type of Workday Other


  1. What are the Budget Amendment statuses?
  • Available – approved, completed. You can view, copy, or reverse an amendment already made to your budget.
  • Draft – not submitted. (NOTE-Leaving amendments in Draft status is discouraged as any user with access to the cost center’s budget amendments could Edit the amendment.) You can edit, copy, reverse or cancel an incomplete budget amendment.
  • In Progress – still not approved. You can view, copy, reverse or cancel a budget amendment that is awaiting approval.
  • Cancelled – cancelled. You can view amendments that were cancelled before completion.
  • Denied – denied amendment. You can view amendments that were denied approval.

  1. What are Worktags?

    Worktags are labels that are assigned/attached to transactions within Workday.   They can also be assigned/attached to accounts and other financial data within the system.  Worktags help to organize and analyze financial data, keeping it consistent and reportable.

    For Budget & Fiscal Planning required Worktags include:  Period, Fund, Cost Center, Ledger Account, Program.   Additional (Related) Worktags) include Spend or Revenue Category, Indirect Cost Recovery, Partner Affiliation, Source Funded, Term, Capital, Campus.

  1. What is a Budget Amendment and how do I enter one?

    A budget amendment is a transfer of budget from one ledger account to another. Budget amendments are needed when you do not have enough budget for an upcoming expense.

  • Once a budget amendment is submitted and routed for approval it cannot be edited. However, an approver can “send back” the amendment to the initiator with comments on what needs to be changed.
  • If a budget amendment is left in “Draft” status (saved, but not submitted) it can be edited by others who have security access to the cost center.

    Follow the “Create Budget Amendment for Organization” guide on:

  1. How do I find the status of a Budget Amendment?

    Follow the “Find Budget Amendment for Organization” guide on:


  1. In the event of your absence from the office, and you are unable to authorize Budget Amendments, what steps should be taken?

    Follow the Quick Reference Guide (QRGs), Manage Delegations


  1. How do I determine if I need to create a Budget Amendment or an Accounting Adjustment?

    Budget amendments can only be made if shifting budgeted funds between worktags within the General Fund budget structure. Accounting adjustments are used when funding needs to be transferred between a General Fund worktag and a Non-General Fund worktag.

  1. How are budgets controlled?

    Workday budget check process compares your purchase to your budget. If the below criteria are met, your requisition or transaction will pass budget check:
  • There is budget in the same combination of Fund, Cost Center, and other worktags (e.g. Source Funded, ICR, Capital), as that of your purchase.
  • The ledger account on your purchase is part of a ledger summary pool* that has budget remaining.
  • The amount of your purchase is less than or equal to the remaining unspent budget.

    All non-salary expenses roll up to the “Non-Salary Pool”. These include:

Accounts Receivable Costs

Administrative Services


Buildings and Improvements

Capital - Construction In Progress



Facilities and Administration Cost Expense

Food Service



Gift Expense

Grant Expense



Interest & Other Bond Costs


Legal Services

Library Purchases


Official Reception

Other Services

P Card

Professional Services


Scholarships and Awards


Services - In-kind


Taxes and Licenses



Transfers In

Transfers Out



Xerox, Print Shop & Postage



  1. When can a Budget Amendment be edited?

    A Budget Amendment can be edited by the initiator if it is in Draft status. Any In-Process amendments can be edited if Sent Back for revision by the next approver. An Available/Approved Budget amendment cannot be edited. User must reverse the approved budget amendment to correct the budget amendment if submitted in error.


  1. If a person uses the “Save for Later” feature while creating a Budget Amendment, will that transaction affect the remaining budget balance?

    No, the budget amendment draft status will not affect any current budget lines.


  1. Can the Operating Budget Availability report be used for Grants and Capital Projects?

    The Operating Budget Availability report is limited to displaying Fiscal Year activity and does not include Period or Inception to Date information. Additionally, Grants, being a distinct budget structure, are not accessible within the report. However, fiscal activity for Capital related to grants can be viewed in the report.


  1. How do I process a One-Time Payment for Faculty or Staff?

    Funding must be established before offering employment to any student(s), stipend, seasonal or project employee. It is the hiring manager’s responsibility to monitor the salary availability for the current fiscal year. It is the hiring manager’s responsibility to ensure that newly hired stipend, project, seasonal, and student employees complete Forms I-9 and W4 before but no later than the first day of work.

    Use this Quick Reference guide to process a One-Time Payment

  2. How do I find a Cost Center Manager or Cost Center Assistant?

    To locate a Cost Center Manager or Cost Center Assistant, use the following links:

    Cost Center Managers Report:$670.htmld 
    Cost Center Assistants Report:$725.htmld

  3. What do I do if the Cost Center Manager or Assistant is incorrect?

    Enter a Help Desk Ticket under Workday Budget.

  4. How do I add/delete a Cost Center Manage or Assistant due to job hire/change/retirement?

    Enter a Help Desk Ticket under Workday Budget.

  5. How to hire a student  worker & temporary employee?

    Only a manager & an administrative assistant can hire a student aid/worker.

    This is the following process when initiating a hire:

    • Initiation of process by Administrative Assistant or Manager
    • Approval by Human Resources
    • Approval by Financial Office (if awarded FWS)
    • Approval by Grants Accounting (if grant funded)
    • Approval by Manager (this step is skipped if the process was initiated by the Manager)