IT News

YuJa replaced Illumira July 1

On July 1, 2020, WIlliam Paterson’s new streaming video platform, YuJa, was introduced. YuJa replaced illumira, which was hosted by NJEdge. The switch to this new service necessitated moving all  videos, as well as letting faculty know the new links to the videos they use for their courses. It was a major project that took several months. This switch represents an upgrade in technical capabilities, while still providing excellent support for the WP video collection.  

For information on how to use this service, please go to the ITwiki ( and search for YuJa. If you need further help, please call the Information Technology Helpdesk at (973) 720-4357, or create a ticket at and choose YuJa as the ticket type.

February 28, 2021