IT News

Virtual Reality is Here!

Information Technology recently purchased an Ovation Virtual Reality (VR) "Backpack" and Software as a way to begin learning about how VR can help with teaching and learning at William Paterson. The set includes state-of-the-art VR Goggles, as well as a portable computer, carried in a backpack, for ease of mobility. 

The focus of Ovation is to train people to be better public speakers. The speaker wears the equipment while giving a talk, after which she can view and analyze her speech, voice, and gestures. The Ovation software also records the audience and provides analytics on how attentive audience members are throughout the talk. Students in marketing, for example, could review presentations and improve their public speaking based on data recorded by the system. We hope VR will have many applications in disciplines and courses. Stay tuned to hear more about our research in this area!  

November 18, 2019