CMS Support Documents

Contents: Access CMS using a web browser; Use your WPUNJ credentials to log in; Select Website tab; Identify and navigate the CMS (Map)
Contents:  Access the CMS; Map of files and folders; Creating folders; Creating HTML pages; Adding new content; Editing Text; Adding a hyperlink; Multiple content areas; Loading images and files; Adding a banner image; Adding a navigation bar; Finished product; Exit Gently
Contents: Save/assign - adding edited documents to the workflow for approval; Save/publish - review and publish edited documents from the workflow
        Contents: Loading images and files for display on the university webpage
Contents: Designate a file, folder, or link for display on the menu; set menu order; create a sub-menu; add a menu to a new webpage

Contents: Create a new banner; deploy banners; create and edit page labels; delete label

Suggestions for topics that could be covered here?  Please write Jae Kim,