Weekly Topics


This certificate is awarded to students who successfully complete the six topics covered over six weeks as listed below:

  1. High impact introductions
  2. Communication skills
  3. Identifying best relationship bets
  4. Developing ‘sales’ call
  5. Handling and overcoming objections
  6. Getting to what you want

Note: Each weekly session meets for three hours.

Week 1: High impact introductions

  • Learning by doing approach to build a high impact opener that will help you to be an effect relationship builder
  • Real World Sales Scenarios (Participant Job/Life Situations)

Week 2: Communications Skills

  • Questioning and Listening
  • Oral and Written

Week 3: Identifying best relationship bets?

  • Targeting (Traditional practices and Social Media)
  • Segmentation: Identifying commonalities and differences to structure customized communication

Week 4: Developing a ‘Sales’ Call (Learning what effective sales people do)

  • Needs Analysis
  • Value Selling
  • Selling Process
  • Pre- Call Planning
  • “Steps of the Sale”

Week 5: Handling and Overcoming Objections

  • Preparing predictable obstacles that stand in our way
  • Building strategies to overcome these obstacles

Week 6: Getting to what you want

  • Closing the Sale
  • Post – Sale Activities: continuing to build on professional relationships