William Paterson University is conducting a search for the position of Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, following the retirement of Warren Sandmann in July, 2018. Materials related to the search process, including a timeline of events presented below, will be posted on this webpage to keep the University community informed as the process proceeds, culminating with the appointment of the next provost. Share your comments and suggestions, click here: ProvostSearch2018@wpunj.edu
Provost Search Process Search announced, Search Committee named/charged. Greenwood/Asher & Associates, Inc. selected to support the Search Committee Search Start-up Meeting to discuss search process and profile, and job description crafted Position advertisement distributed; Requests for nominations/recommendations Prospects are contacted, applications received and reviewed Prospect Review Meeting: Search Advisory Committee discusses all candidates and selects leading candidates Round-One Interviews: Search Advisory Committee interviews leading candidates Reference and Background Checks Search Advisory Committee recommends/selects candidates for additional interviews Campus Interviews Selection and signing of contract Transition Considerations Announce search completion and introduce hired candidate