Video or Audio Recording of Classes

      Video or audio recording of a class or a portion of a class can often provide an instructor with a more objective view of his or her physical behavior, body language, speaking habits, and other elements that enter into the interaction between teacher and students in the classroom.

      Anyone interested in recording his or her class can do so by arranging it through the Center. You will be assigned an equipment operator from the Communications Department and will be able to arrange with this person the date, time, place, and any other information necessary to the recording. Upon completion of the recording, only you will see the results; you will be able to make some  more objective judgments on your performance and the accomplishment of your goals. Professionals recommend, however, that you examine the recording with a colleague with whom you have chatted about what you're seeking to learn, whether it's annoying habits, level of speaking, general demeanor, use of the blackboard, etc. Engaging in such a dialogue with a colleague can be a most rewarding project and can lead to further discussion of teaching and learning.

      Read, for instance, this testimonial from Jerry Evensky (Syracuse U.): "In the videotape critique session, one of my colleagues pointed out that the time between my query "Are there any questions?" and the next word out of my mouth was hardly enough for students to raise a hand, much less reflect on whether they had a question. So, armed with that insight, I started counting to ten whenever I asked "Any questions?" I have been struck by how often a question doesn't come until I get to a count of seven or eight. "Any questions?" is an invitation to your students to reflect on what they understand. That process is undermined if you don't wait. If you do, it encourages reflection. As a side benefit, it sends a signal to your students that you really do want to help them understand."

Please send questions, suggestions or comments to Keumjae Park and Bob Rosen, 
Co-directors, Center for Teaching Excellence