The CTE is a faculty-led community resource center. We look for participation by faculty across disciplines in various ways. We welcome any of the following contributions throughout the year. If you can think of any ways to contribute to this community, please email us! Submit an essay (up to 1000 words) to be shared via the CTE website, reflecting on teaching philosophy, current issues relating to teaching and higher education, teaching strategies, or a pedagogy book you’ve read. Recommend good pedagogy books for our book discussion meetings. (We ask you choose books that apply across disciplines, rather than subject-specific ones.) Please see the “Past Events” link for some titles discussed in recent years. Propose ideas for pedagogy workshops. The workshop may be on general issues applicable to all disciplines, or on issues specific to one of the colleges. If your research involves topics relevant to teaching and student mentoring, volunteer your expertise to serve as a workshop leader or a panel member. If you attend a teaching-related professional workshop outside WPU, offer to share it in a CTE workshop. Volunteer to be a mentor to a new faculty. Each year, newly hired tenure-track faculty are paired with mentors. A call for volunteers will go out September of each year. Organize and lead a Teaching Circle in your department. Last but not the least, attend CTE workshops, book discussions, and other events throughout the year and share your thoughts with other colleagues