The Audio Broadcasting Certificate develops newsgathering and interviewing skills and teaches students: to create content that engages, informs and influences audiences; to acquire high quality audio using mobile devices as well as industry-standard technology; to distribute content across audio and digital platforms; and to practice legal and ethical behaviors when creating television video news content. Individuals who complete the Certificate will learn the technical skills necessary to obtain high quality audio in the field and edit that content independently or in collaboration with a reporter. Last, with the increasing popularity of podcasting, this Certificate will also be valuable to those seeking employment in podcasting, either on-air or behind-the-scenes in production, editing, and writing. The program complements any academic major or current career, including Communication majors, Journalism majors and Film, Television and Audio majors looking to deepen their knowledge and practice of audio broadcasting, as well as adult learners and professionals who wish to acquire audio broadcasting skills. View course descriptions in the University Course Catalog: Current students sign-up here: Declare Certificate If you are not currently enrolled as a student, please apply here.