CAHSS Bylaws


The name of the organization shall be the "College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences" (hereinafter designated "the College").


The objectives of the organization shall be the following:

To serve as a common forum for the College faculty.
To promote open communication among all faculty in the College.
To provide for the mutual interests and support of each academic department and program.
To provide guidance and leadership on issues of import to the College faculty, students, staff, and programs.
To promote interdisciplinary programs and collaboration across the disciplines represented in the College.


Voting Members. Voting members of the College shall include both full, three-quarter, and half-time faculty with voting rights in academic departments or programs of the College.

Non-voting Members. Non-voting members of the College shall include part-time faculty (less than half-time appointment), adjunct faculty, administrators with academic rank in the College, faculty assigned to more than six credits of administrative duties in any one semester, and visiting scholars without vote in an academic department or program of the College.


The executive officer of the College shall be the Dean of the College.


The executive committee of the College shall be the College Council (hereinafter designated "Council").

Voting Members. Voting members of the Council shall consist of the chairpersons of each academic department within the College. Each department shall have one vote. Departments may designate a substitute, with vote, in the event their representative is unable to attend a meeting or be present for a vote.

Non-voting Members. Non-voting members of the Council shall consist of the Dean, except when casting a tie-breaking vote, the Associate Dean, and any guests invited who may be deemed necessary to carry out the proper functioning of the Council. Attendance by any member of the college faculty shall be permitted, whenever practicable, provided such attendance does not disturb the normal functioning of the Council.

Presiding Officer. The Dean of the College shall serve as presiding officer of the Council. If the Dean is unable to serve at a particular meeting, the Associate Dean will serve as presiding officer. The presiding officer shall perform the following duties:

Call the meetings of the Council, generally every two weeks, but no less than four times each semester and whenever necessary when classes are not in session.
Prepare and distribute an agenda to each member of the Council. No substantive policies shall be voted on without one week's prior notification.
Preside at each meeting of the Council.
Cast a tie-breaking vote when appropriate.
Distribute Minutes to the College faculty.

Secretary. The Associate Dean shall be the secretary of the Council. In his/her absence, the Council will elect one of its members as secretary. The secretary shall perform the following duties:

Record and prepare the minutes of the meeting and send a draft copy to the Dean for approval at the next Council meeting.
Prepare a final draft, with any corrections made at the Council meeting where the minutes were approved, and send to the Dean for distribution to the College faculty.

College Council Meetings. The following policies shall govern College Council meetings:

Meetings shall be held on a regular basis while classes are in session and whenever deemed necessary when classes are not in session.
Meetings may be called by the presiding officer or upon petition of 50 percent of the voting members of the Council or a majority of the chairs in one of the disciplinary units.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Council.
In matters not specified in the Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the meetings.

Duties. The Council shall fulfill the following responsibilities:

Serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean.
Serve as the executive committee for the College.
Advise on administrative policy for the College.
Implement University and College policies.
Serve as a conduit of information between the Dean, the departments, and other units on campus.
Promote interdisciplinary learning.
Mediate disputes between departments.
Make decisions regarding grade appeals and uphold University policies and procedures.


All-College Faculty Meetings shall be held at least once each semester of the academic year.
All-College Faculty meetings may be called by the Dean of the College, the College Council, or upon written petition signed by 20 percent of the voting faculty members of the College. In the latter instance, the Dean calls the meeting upon receiving the petition.
Notice of meetings shall be given as early as practicable prior to the date of the meeting. But in no event may the meeting be held prior to one week after the notice has been sent. The notice must include an agenda.
The Dean of the College shall serve as the presiding officer at the meeting. If the Dean is unable to serve, the Associate Dean shall preside.
A quorum shall consist of 1/3 of the voting membership.
In all matters not specified above, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the meeting.


Members of College committees shall be appointed by the Dean. Suggestions for committee membership shall be solicited from the faculty and department chairpersons. The list and membership of College committees shall be available in the Dean's office. Reports and minutes from College committees shall be included on College Council agendas and shall be available to members of the College in the Dean's office. The following committees have been established:

1) Advisory Board:
Composition: Six or more members of alumni, the professional and business community, and others concerned with the mission of the College. Four faculty, two each from Humanities and Social Sciences.
Function: To advise the College Council and the Dean on the relationships between liberal and professional education and on the curricular implications of those relationships.

2) Assessment Committee.
Composition: One representative from each HSS department.
Function: To make recommendations to the College Council and the Dean on matters concerning assessment of the majors and the General Education program.

3) Curriculum Committee.
Composition: One representative from each HSS department.
Function: Act on all HSS curricular matters related to assessment of programs and courses.

4) University Core Curriculum Committee. 

Composition: representatives from each HSS department.
Functions: To support the development or revision of College courses for the University Core Curriculum. To act as liaison between HSS Departments and Programs and the university-wide Core Curriculum panels on implementation of program. To recommend for approval those courses that meet the University Core Curriculum standards, with an emphasis on determining how and if each course is aligned with the UCC Student Learning Outcomes as determined by the Faculty Senate. To make recommendations to the Council and the Dean on all matters related to the UCC program. To make recommendations concerning the delivery and assessment of UCC courses offered by the College.

5) Graduate Committee.
Composition: one representative from each graduate program housed in the College.
Function: to make recommendations to the Council and the Dean on all matters related to graduate programs within the College.

6) Student Advisory Council.
Composition: Undergraduate: two majors from each department or degree-conferring program, preferably, one a first or second-year student and one a junior or senior. Graduate: Two students from each degree program.
Function: To advise the Dean on matters of interest and concern to students and the Dean.

7) Technology Committee.
Composition: Five to seven faculty members, no more than one per department, with at least one each from the humanities and social sciences.
Function: To make recommendations to the College Council and the Dean on matters related to technology, equipment, and computer resources, and the integration of technology in the curriculum.


Any other committees not specified in the Bylaws may be established as ad hoc committees upon the discretion of the College Council and the Dean. Members of such committees shall be appointed by the Dean, in consultation with the College Council, individual department chairpersons or faculty members.


In order for these Bylaws to take effect, they shall be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the voting members of the College faculty either present and voting at a duly constituted All-College meeting or returning the mail ballot provided for those who do not attend the meeting. Notice for said meeting shall be sent to all voting members, with a copy of the proposed Bylaws. A mail ballot shall be sent, as well, for those who do not attend the meeting. The date by which the mail ballot must be received shall be indicated on the ballot.


A copy of the current Bylaws shall be kept in the Dean's office and shall be available to members of the College.


Amendments to the Bylaws may be presented by any voting member of the College. Amendments should be presented in writing to the department chair (or director, if the faculty member does not have departmental affiliation). The chair then requests the Dean to put the proposal on the College Council agenda. If a majority of the members of the College Council vote to put the proposed amendment to a vote, copies of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all voting members of the College, along with the notice of the meeting at which the amendment will be discussed. Following this meeting, the final draft of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all voting members of the College faculty. In order for the amendment to take effect, it must be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the voting members.


The College Council or the All-College Faculty meeting has the power by majority vote to decide on motions pertaining to the College's Mission and Objectives, and to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate and other University entities.