More than 100 William Paterson University Employees Celebrate their Milestone Anniversaries

One hundred and twenty nine employees celebrated their service milestone anniversaries at William Paterson University and many attended the University’s 2016 Annual Service Award Luncheon held on Thursday, October 20.

Employees celebrating their 10-year anniversary through milestone dates of 15, 20, and up were invited to attend the luncheon.

“We are pleased to honor so many employees for their loyalty and years of service,” said Kathleen Waldron, president of William Paterson, at the event. “The sum of everyone’s milestone anniversary represents 2,480 years of service to our University.”

Phillip Cioffari, professor of English and Vincent Parrillo, professor of sociology, are celebrating 50 years at William Paterson, making them the longest-serving faculty members at the University.

The complete list of employees celebrating milestone anniversaries and their years of service are:


Office of the Provost

Philip Cioffari, 50

Vincent Parrillo, 50

Catherine Cestra-Nadzan, 45

James Brown, 35

Danielle Desroches, 35

Toni Napolitano, 35

David Shapiro, 35

Paul Swanson, 35

Maboud Ansari, 30

Naomi Horsky, 30

Arlene Scala, 30

Alice Armstrong, 25

Vilma Elliott, 25

Thomas Heinzen, 25

Diane Hiller, 25

Annette James, 25

Pamela Mackey, 25

Daniel Meaders, 25

Linda Rapp, 25

Beth Ann Bates, 20

Mark Ellis, 20

Meg Guenthner, 20

Elizabeth Haines, 20

Andrew Nyaboga, 20

Gabe Wang, 20

Ed Weil, 20

Lianzan Xu, 20

Giuliana Andreopoulos, 15

Alejandro Anreus, 15

Jerry Beal, 15

Judy Bernstein, 15

Stephen Betts, 15

Jonathan Bone, 15

David Borkowski, 15

Song Chung, 15

Sandy De Jesus, 15

Donna Fengya, 15

Cindy Gennarelli, 15

Anthony Joachim, 15

James Miles, 15

Sia Nassiripour, 15

Sheri Newberger, 15

Dolores Oertel, 15

Alexandros Panayides, 15

Steven Rittler, 15

Gordon Schmidt, 15

David Slaymaker, 15

Lester Suchit, 15

Bernadette Tiernan, 15

Hideo Watanabe, 15

Sam Basu, 10

Martin Becker, 10

Lorra Brown, 10

Steven Colon, 10

Liana Fornarotto, 10

Gennifer A Furst, 10

David Gilley, 10

William Healy, 10

Rajender Kaur, 10

Bill Kernan, 10

David Koistinen, 10

Gary Marks, 10

Kelly McNeal, 10

Lauren Razzore, 10

Deborah Sheffield, 10

Rosa Soto, 10

Paul VonDohlen, 10


Administration & Finance

Tony Cavotto, 40

Ralph Juliano, 35

Julie O'Neill, 25

Frank Tedesco, 25

Jamal Brown, 20

Sebio Castro, 20

Maurice Cunningham, 20

Tim Flaker, 20

Roger Grier, 20

Jacqueline Hollaway, 20

George Jones, 20

Jean Marc, 20

Keith McNie, 20

Kevin Norman, 20

Jose Ortega, 20

Jerry Petrullo, 20

Denise Robinson Lewis, 20

Jonathan Shanoian, 20

Brad Trotte, 20

Rubenia Borja, 15

Richard Dela Torre, 15

Jaime Hernandez, 15

Fernando Hernandez, 15

Diego Jativa, 15

Carlos Kong, 15

Barbara Kushner, 15

Mario Luzzi, 15

Housen Maratouk, 15

Kerry Pittelko, 15

Mildred Proctor, 15

Scott Bowersox, 10

Kevin Kinckle, 10

Leo Lugo, 10

Angel Perez, 10

Biagio Pica, 10

Vlad Pichardo, 10

Veronica Ruiz, 10

Jeanette Velez, 10

Mable Yau, 10


Enrollment Management

Linda Farrell, 30

Zoya Barry-Chastanet, 20

Ramona Ruiz, 20

Vanessa Lenoir, 15

Rose Sorzano, 15

Debra Iurato, 10

Christina Vella (Pone), 10


Student Development

Gwen Curry, 30

Brian Woods, 20

Francisco Diaz, 15

Aida Mercado, 15

Dilcia Ramirez, 15

Librada Sanchez, 10


Marketing and Public Relations

Mary Zeman, 30

Theresa Ross, 20

Phillip Sprayberry, 15


Institutional Advancement

Gina Buffalino, 35

Nancy Norville, 35


Office of the President

Steve Bolyai, 30
