Frequently Asked Questions

Please find some commonly asked questions below that faculty and staff may have regarding the operation of the Accessibility Resource Center and the accommodation process.

  • What services are offered through Accessibility Resource Center?
  • Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) at William Paterson University aims to ensure equal access to all of the University’s offerings for the institution’s students. To do so, the department works in collaboration with students with documented disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations and services. ARC offers the following services to eligible students: 

    • Academic Accommodations (i.e., Extended Test Time, Reduced Distraction Environment, Note Taking Services, Audio Tape Recording, Laptop/Tablet for Notetaking)
    • Exam Proctoring
    • Housing Accommodations
    • Adaptive Technology
    • Coordination of Assistance Animals

  • What if I suspect that a student may be eligible for services through ARC?
  • Although you most likely have good intentions, you should not assume that a student has a disability or ask the student to disclose if he/she/they has a disability. You are encouraged to inform a student of the services that William Paterson offers to its students, including Counseling Health and Wellness, Academic Success Center, and Accessibility Resource Center. Please reach out to ARC if assistance is needed in facilitating the conversation. 

    A sample email template is included below: 

    Students may contact the Academic Success Center for more information on tutoring services and workshops to support student growth and success ( Please call 973-720-2563/3324 to get in touch with the Academic Success Center.  

    Students may also reach out to the Counseling, Health, and Wellness Center on campus for both medical concerns and mental health support ( Please contact 973-720-2360 for more information.  

    If a student is experiencing academic concerns related to a disability, they are encouraged to register with the Accessibility Resource Center to receive accommodations in classes ( Students may reach out to or 973-720-2853 for more information on how to apply for accommodations. 

  • How do I maintain student confidentiality?
  • It is of utmost importance to maintain student confidentiality and privacy in regard to accommodations and services approved by ARC. The student registered with ARC is not required to disclose his/her/they disability to University faculty and staff. A student’s approved accommodations and services should not be discussed with faculty/staff members or other students. To maintain student confidentiality, the following guidelines are recommended. To discuss the implementation of accommodation(s), hold a one-on-one meeting in a private setting with the student. In regard to testing, faculty and staff should submit assessments through AIM and correspond with ARC through email or telephone if needed. In regard to note-taking, ARC may ask for details about the structure of the course and/or student recommendations for the position through email. The professor should not communicate with the class or individual students about notetaking (i.e., do not make a general announcement to the course, such as “John Smith is requesting a note-taker for this course through ARC. Is anyone interested?”). 

  • What is an accommodation letter? How will I receive the document?
  • Instructors will receive students' personalized accommodation letter via e-mail through ARC Portal. The accommodation letter lists classroom accommodations that the student is eligible to receive and related details. It is the student’s responsibility to request their accommodations through ARC Portal to be approved by a staff member at the Accessibility Resource Center. It is highly suggested that students present their professors with their accommodation letter at the beginning of the semester or as soon as eligibility has been determined. It is strongly recommended that a private meeting is held between the student and professor to discuss the accommodations in regards to the course and coursework.   

  • What is the ARC Testing Center and what guidelines are followed?
  • ARC offers supervised space within its department for students to complete assessments. Our testing rooms are all equipped with cameras. Staff members serve as proctors to ensure academic integrity. Students do not have access to their backpacks, cell phones, laptops, smartwatches, or any other technology/belongings while testing.   

  • How do I submit assessments and instructions through ARC Portal?
  • ARC utilizes the online system AIM for students who receive Alternative Testing as an accommodation. Through ARC Portal, ARC will securely receive course assessments, instructions, and any additional information or materials. 

    Please follow the video tutorial and instructions on how to fill out the Faculty Alternative Testing Agreement and upload an exam:

    How to Fill out the Faculty Alternative Testing Agreement

    How to Submit an Exam on ARC Portal

  • What is the process for flexible attendance and flexible assignment accommodations?
  • Flexible attendance and flexible assignment accommodations are approved by ARC only in special circumstances. For these accommodations, it is required for the student and professor to meet to discuss and agree upon reasonable alternatives to the course syllabus, such as submission deadlines, attendance requirements, and assignment presentations. An ARC staff member is happy to facilitate the conversation and sit in on the meeting with the professor and student. After the meeting, the student will submit an Agreement with Instructors form found on ARC Portal that includes agreed-upon reasonable guidelines/timeframes.