"Emeriti Faculty Association"

The Emeriti Faculty Association (EFA) was formed in 2019 to represent all faculty who have been awarded the status of Emerita/Emeritus Faculty member.  The current policy states: 

The Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the President, will provide emerita/us status to all individuals holding faculty rank who are retiring from the University after 10 or more years of employment in good standing throughout their career at William Paterson and, who, upon retirement, held the title of president, provost, associate provost, dean, associate dean, full professor or librarian I. Those who retire by June 30 will be awarded emerita/emeritus status in their department on September 1 following their retirement. 

The complete database for the EFA is maintained by the Office of Human Resources in collaboration with the Office of the President. 

Leadership of the EFA is voluntary, with member participation locally, regionally, and online. The primary goal of the EFA is to encourage faculty to remain connected to the William Paterson University community.  Programming, use of campus services, and engagement with WP projects are examples of engagement. 

Questions about Emeriti status should be directed to the Office of the President.  Insert email and phone number.