Library Creates Opportunities for Learning, Experimenting, and Laughter

The library explores new workshops and programs to foster lifelong learning and academic success.

Members of the WP Comedy Club provide comedic stress relief during final exams in the Library

     During the fall 2018 semester, the library continued to explore new workshops, programs, and resource tools to foster lifelong learning and academic success.  The library accomplished this through collaborative partnerships within the campus community.

     In October the library partnered with the Chemistry Club to offer a workshop on utilizing the SCOPUS database for scientific research. Members of the Chemistry Club provided attendees with an opportunity to participate in a few chemistry experiments, and the library used the interactive smart board to demonstrate virtual chemistry lab resources.

     In collaboration with the Writing Center, the library offered an APA workshop for students. The workshop provided students the opportunity to drop-in and receive assistance with both writing and formatting their papers in one convenient location.

     The Library’s commitment to lifelong learning recently led to the development of a new Alumni Resources guide. The guide provides an abundance of scholarly resources freely available and accessible to WP alumni. Several librarians worked with the Alumni Relations office and hosted a webinar to present the online resource guide, instruct alumni on its value and use, and answered questions about the research and learning needs of Pioneer alums. The resource guide can be accessed by selecting Research Guides on the Library homepage ( using the keyword “Alumni” or from the “Benefits” page on the Alumni Relations homepage ( under David and Lorraine Cheng Library.

     The Library knows firsthand that the final exam period can be stressful, and we keep our doors open 24/7 to support students in their academic pursuits. To help alleviate stress students encounter during final exams, the Library hosted a stand-up comedy show, with performances by members of the WP Comedy Club. Students were invited to take a study break and “Laugh Out Loud” in the Library. Comedy Club members used the opportunity to practice their final exam routines while alleviating the final exam stress felt by fellow students.


February 03, 2019