
Elected Committees and Service Appointments for the Academic Year 2009-2010

M. Zeleke (2nd  yr of 3 yr term)

Chair's Assistant
M. Rosar

Course Coordinators 

MATH 110, 111, 140, 145 
Math 160, 161 (Calculus )
J. Champanerkar
  MATH 115, 116, 135
P. von Dohlen
GE Math Coordinator
S. Maheshwari
MATH 130
P. Chen


Assessment Committee (for tenured faculty)
E. Goldstein
D. Miller
Math Learning Center 
M. Rosar

College of Education Liaison
D. Kalish

Math Major Advisors
P. Chen
D. Nacin
P. von Dohlen
M. Zeleke

E. Antoniou 
D. Fengya
M. Jani (1st  yr of 2 yr term)
M. Rosar (2nd  yr of 2 yr term)

Program Assessment 
D. Fengya
W. Lim

Curriculum Committee
J. Champanerkar
D. Kalish
P. VonDohlen 
(2nd  yr of 2 yr term)

Promotion Committee
P. Chen
S. Maheshwari
M. Zeleke (ex-officio)

Endorsement Program Advisory Committee
E. Goldstein
D. Kalish
E. Phadia

Range Adjustment Committee 

Endorsement Program Coordinator
D. Kalish

Recording Secretary
D. Nacin
Election Officer
D. Fengya
Retention and Tenure Committee
E. Antoniou
W. Lim
M. Zeleke
Library Liaison
D. Nacin
Seminar Coordinators
J. Champanerkar
Math Computer Lab Coordinator
P. VonDohlen
Senate Representative
M. Rosar
Math Club & Majors' Activities
D. Nacin
J. Champanerkar

Math Awareness Week Coordinators
D. Fengya
D. Miller
Math Fair Coordinators
E. Antoniou
D. Nacin
Professional Contacts

AMS, ASA, MAA, SIAM Representative
E. Phadia

Pi Mu Epsilon Supervisor
M. Rosar
Alumni Coordinator
E. Phadia
Women's Math Mentoring Program Advisor 
D. Fengya

Marcelo Llarull Scholarship Committee 
M. Jani 
D. Kalish
S. Maheshwari 
M. Zeleke 

Student Awards
M. Zeleke