The Margaret Mead Film Festival is the longest-running, premiere showcase for international documentaries in the United States, encompassing a broad spectrum of work, from indigenous community media to experimental nonfiction. The Festival is distinguished by its outstanding selection of titles, which tackle diverse and challenging subjects, representing a range of issues and perspectives, and by the forums for discussion with filmmakers and speakers. Cheng Library Auditorium We are still working on sequence, times & dates. Subject to change! Monday, April 8, 4PM - All for the Good of the World and Nošovice Monday, April 8, 7PM - Convento Tuesday, April 9, 4PM - The Creators Wednesday, April 10, 4PM - Grande Hotel Wednesday, April 10, 7PM - Memoirs of a Plague Thursday, April 11, 4PM- RainmakersFriday, April 12, 4PM - To the Light Previous Mead Festival flyers2012 | 2008 | 2005 For more information, please contact Kurt Wagner or 973-720-2285