MBA Courses and Prerequisites

Prerequisite Skills (Optional)

Course # Course Title Prerequisites
ECON 5500 Mathematical Methods for Business None
MGT 5500 Computer Application None


Lower Core

Course # Course Title Prerequisites
ACCT 6060 Financial and Managerial Accounting None
ECON 6090 Economic Analysis None
FIN 6070 Financial Management ACCT 6060 & ECON 6090
MGT 6040 Management Process and Organizational Theory None
MBA 6120 Computer Information Systems MGT 6040
MKT 6080 Marketing Management None


Upper Core

Course # Course Title Prerequisites
MBA 6050 Statistics for Quantitative Analysis None
MBA 6100 Multinational Business Environment and Operations None
MBA 6160 Organizational Behavior and Communication MGT 6040
MBA 6400 Business, Government and Society ECON 6090
MBA 6900 Business Policy Seminar FIN 6070, MKT 6080 & MGT 6040
FIN 7550 International Economics and Finance FIN 6070


Electives or Concentrations

Course # Course Title Prerequisites
ACCT 7000 Independent Study **
ACCT 7100 Financial Accounting and Reporting I ACCT 6060 or ACCT 2120
ACCT 7200 Financial Accounting and Reporting II ACCT 7100 or ACCT 3120
ACCT 7300 Auditing and Attestation ACCT 7100 or ACCT 3120
ACCT 7400 Regulation: Federal Taxation ACCT 600 or ACCT 2120
ACCT 7260 Current Financial Accounting Problems ACCT 6060
ACCT 7270 Advanced Cost/Management Accounting ACCT 6060
ACCT 7280 Current Tax Problems ACCT 6060
ACCT 7310 International Financial Statement Analysis ACCT 6060
ACCT 7500 Regulation: Business Law and Ethics ACCT 6060
ACCT 7990 Selected Topics *
ECON 7000 Independent Study **
ECON 7050 Managerial Economics ECON 6090 & MBA 6050
ECON 7990 Selected Topics *
FIN 7000 Independent Study **
FIN 7520 Investment Analysis FIN 6070
FIN 7530 Financial Planning and Capital Budgeting FIN 6070
FIN 7540 Financial Intermediation FIN 6070
FIN 7560 Case Studies in Corporate Finance FIN 6070
FIN 7570 Investment Policy, Ethics, and Port Management FIN 6070
FIN 7580 Derivative Securities and Trading Strategies FIN 6070
FIN 7990 Selected Topics *
MGT 7000 Independent Study **
MGT 7040 Human Resource Management MGT 6040
MGT 7070 Organizational Change and Development MGT 6040
MGT 7790 Problems in International Management MGT 6100
MGT 7820 Operations Research MBA 6050
MGT 7990 Selected Topics *

MKT 7000

Independent Study **
MKT 7800 Marketing Research and Analysis MKT 6080 & MBA 6050
MKT 7850 Business to Business Marketing MKT 6080
MKT 7880 Global Marketing MKT 6080
MKT 7900 Consumer Behavior MKT 6080
MKT 7990 Selected Topics *
RBI 7990 Selected Topics *

* Permission from Department Chair

** To be agreed upon with Department Chair and Dean.