Selecting and Clipping Your Video Submissions

Selecting Your Video Submission
  • Review edTPA’s rubrics using video as evidence of your teaching, Understanding Rubric Level Progressions and Making Good Choices to understand what it is exactly that you need to demonstrate within your short video submissions.
  • Through Interact review all video recordings as part of your edTPA learning segment and identify the appropriate section(s) (10 minute segments) that demonstrate what is expressed in the rubrics.
  • Use the secure download function within Interact to download only the video(s) that you identified as meeting the criteria for submission. You will need to download the entire video of which you will only use 10 - 20 minutes (refer to your edTPA handbook).  The video will already be compressed and in MP4 format.
  • Save the video on a flash drive.
“Clipping” Your Video Submission
Video Clipping for Mac Users
Video Clipping for PC Users