William Paterson University Board of Trustees Report on Presidential Assessment - May, 2005 Consistent with its Policy on Presidential Assessment that requires a formal review of the president every five (5) years, the Board of Trustees of William Paterson University conducted a review of President Arnold Speert during the spring semester of 2005. As called for in that policy, the assessment reviewed the president's performance on six dimensions: 1) institutional mission / vision / direction, 2) academic management and leadership, 3) student services, 4) administrative management and leadership, 5) financial management, 6) external relations / institutional representation. In consultation with the Association of Governing Boards (AGB), the board contracted with very experienced and qualified consultants Dr. Terry MacTaggart and Dr. Jill Derby to interview members of the University's extended community and report their findings to the board. The University community was notified by letter, e-mail and web site of interviews to be conducted on campus March 21-24. Including all trustees, a grand total of 72 members of the University and its extended community, of whom almost half (34) were full-time, tenured faculty, participated in one-on-one interviews with one of the consultants. Fifty-nine of these individuals were selected by the board and invited to participate. Opportunity was also provided for anyone else who wished to speak in confidence to one of the consultants, and 13 individuals availed themselves of this opportunity. Those interviewed by invitation included current and past faculty liaisons to board committees, other senior faculty, Student Government Association, Greek and graduate student leaders, vice-presidents, academic deans, heads of each of the campus collective bargaining units, mid-level managers, a State senator, a local school district superintendent, a U.S. congressman and a member of the local business community. The consultants identified the President's strengths and perceived concerns about the institution arising from these interviews. Strengths cited included the president's personal integrity, university growth over the five-year period, commitment to institutional mission, support for diversity and maintaining strong relationships with faculty. They concluded "In sum, the vast majority of interviewees said they felt that Dr. Speert was an effective leader of the University." Concerns raised by some interviewees included issues such as faculty teaching load, parking problems, classroom availability and differences over institutional vision. In conclusion, the Board is unanimous in its support of and appreciation for the continued leadership of President Speert and pledges to work with him to both address areas of concern and continue to move William Paterson University to the forefront of public higher education in New Jersey. The Board wishes to express its appreciation to Dr. Terry MacTaggart and Dr. Jill Derby for a very professional, comprehensive study and its thanks to all of the members of the University community who participated and provided important information and insights.