

William Paterson University invites applications fromall qualified students. Students seeking undergraduateadmission, whether full- or part-time, degree or nondegree,must submit a completed application form, allof the required transcripts and documents, and a $50nonrefundable, nontransferable application fee. In orderto be considered for any semester, the application and allsupporting transcripts and information must be receivedon or before the established deadlines.

All Applicants

Admission to William Paterson University is on a rollingbasis. For scholarship consideration, students mustsubmit their application by February 15. For financial aidconsideration, students must submit the FAFSA by April1. Admitted students are required to provide a depositno later than May 1. Students will be serviced on a firstcome,first-serve basis. Therefore, students are encouragedto apply before the deadlines listed above.

Application Deadlines

Although we operate on a rolling basis, it is important tosubmit your supporting transcripts and information bythe dates shown below. This will allow ample time fortesting, advisement, and orientation.Freshmen, Transfer, Second Degree, Readmit:Fall: June 1Spring: December 1Applicants who do not submit required records of allprior college coursework, high school records, standardizedtest results, or other required documents by thedeadline may not have their application reviewed in timefor enrollment in that semester

Enrollment Deposit

Prior to enrolling, a $125 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit fee is required of freshmen, transfers, readmits, and second-degree students to secure a place in the entering class. Included in this deposit is a $75 orientation fee and a $50 admissions deposit fee.

Proof of High School Graduation or Associate’s Degree

In order to comply with state and federal regulations regarding financial aid, all freshmen must submit proof of high school graduation (copy of high school diploma or high school record with date of graduation posted). Transfer, readmit, and second-degree students must forward all final, official college/university transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Students will not be allowed to register without compliance with these laws.


Prior to registration, all accepted students must submit proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. You may download a health form at ww2.wpunj. edu/healthcentercounseling.

Art and Music Majors

All freshmen, transfer, and second baccalaureate degree students selecting a bachelor of fine arts degree must submit a portfolio for review by the art department as part of the admissions criteria. Information regarding the review will be sent to you upon receipt of your application. Portfolio review days are conducted each Wednesday throughout the semester. Appointments are required; please contact the art department at 973.720.2404. All freshmen, transfer, and second baccalaureate degree students selecting music as their major must audition as part of the admissions process. Information regarding the audition will be sent to you upon receipt of your application. Contact the music department at 973.720.2315. See the Admissions Web page for the schedule for classical audition and music placement tests. Jazz auditions are by tape only with a submission deadline of March 1. In addition to passing the portfolio review or audition, students must meet regular admission criteria as well: passing the departmental requirements does not automatically admit you to the University.