PEAC 230-80, Schmidt

Welcome to PEAC230-80 Tests and Measurement

This course runs from September 1 to December 22, 2010


Dr. Gordon Schmidt




Course No. & Section:



(973) 720-2362

Office Hours: Fall 2010

Tuesday and Thursday 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. and by appointment


  Course Description:

Tests and measurement is the study of the role of evaluation in kinesiology. This course investigates the organization and administration of testing programs, designing appropriate tests, employing statistical methods and presenting data.

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

1.       Calculate, explain and interpret the basic statistical procedures of central tendency, variability, standard deviation, correlation and percentiles using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

2.       Construct, administer and analyze written and performance tests.

3.       Identify the strengths and weaknesses of tests, measurement procedures.

4.       Evaluate human performance.

5.       Compare different testing methodologies, contrast and distinguish results using basic statistical procedures.

6.       Read research studies in their respective areas of specialization (i.e. athletic training, teacher certification or exercise physiology) and describe the study and descriptive statistics used by the author.

7.       Construct, administer and design and conduct a mini-study. Report the results in a scientific report.

8.       Use computers and other technology to acquire and communicate knowledge of course work.

9.       Use information/concepts/knowledge and apply it to lifelong learning experiences.

10.   Analyze, summarize, and evaluate information and apply it to the profession and life.

11.   Describe, evaluate and write/design research studies and apply the results.

12.   Apply knowledge, facts, concepts, and principles from other academic disciplines to practices and outcomes in athletic training, exercise physiology and physical education.

13.   Work effectively with others.


All students are expected to complete readings and assignments, post comments on the discussion board, take quizzes and exams, and be active participants in the learning process. This course, taught on-line, will require time to practice the concepts covered each week. Assignments must be handed in on time. Late assignments will only be accepted with appropriate approval and with deductions for late.

Weekly class information will be made available each Monday morning on Blackboard. Go to the class website and look in Course Documents and click on the appropriate week for the readings, assignments and materials required to be completed according to the posted deadlines. Due to the brevity of this course (6 weeks) compared to a full semester course (16 weeks), two assignments per week will be submitted by the Monday.

Technical Prerequisites

The prerequisite for this course is MATH130 Elementary Statistics, or its equivalent. You will need to meet certain hardware and software minimum requirements and have a reliable access to a computer in addition to a level of comfort working online. Make sure that you have met the technical requirements posted on the opening pages of Blackboard. Some software will not work on your home computer and you must go to the University to access it. Specifically, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is a source for statistical analysis. You will be required to perform two weeks' assignments using SPSS or Microsoft Excel software. All assignments must be submitted in Microsoft Document (.doc) format.

Discussion Board

You will be required to submit a research paper in a small group which requires that you join with other people online. The first phase of this project involves submitting a topic to your professor who will then assign you, plus several other class members to the topic. You and your classmates will then collaborate online and write your introduction and methods section to the project. This will be submitted online and, with corrections from the instructor, you will then proceed to collect data, analyze the results and finish a written report using proper references.

Other discussion items will be available for the entire class. Participation will be graded.


Weekly assignments will be required, due on Monday of the following week. A final research paper will be submitted by each group, one week before the final examination. The final examination will be submitted on the last day of the course.

1. Assignments (50%)

2. Research paper (30%)

3. Final Examination (20%)

Topics of Study

  This course covers content from the required textbook. Many of the materials can be obtained from the internet. The course will follow topics associated with the textbook, however, the order of the subjects will change to accommodate the schedule for the term. The following topics will be covered in this course:

1.                    Background of test construction.

2.                    Reliability & Validity

3.                    Statistics for central tendency

4.                    Statistics for variability

5.                    Correlation

6.                    Interpretation of data

7.                    Interpretation of test results

8.                    Fitness testing

9.                    Skills testing

10.                Anthropometry

11.                Measurement in non-scholastic settings

12.                Grade systems and reporting

1 3.                Studies in athletic training and exercise physiology

Required Text:

Morrow, J. Jr., Jackson, A., Disch, J., & Mood, D. (2005). Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance. 3rd Ed'n. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Class Schedule





Introduction, Objectives & Online Discussion



Taxonomy of Testing, Basics of Measurement, Descriptive Statistics

Chapters 1, 2, 3


Correlation and Prediction, Inferential Statistics, Norm- and Criterion-Reference

Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7


Alternative Assessment/ Cognitive Skills, Physical Activity Assessment in Youth, FitnessAssessment

Chapter 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Behavior and Psychological Measurement

Chapter 14


Individual Skill Testing, Final Examination

Chapter 13