Mus 399 -80 Doing Business in the New Millennium Welcome Letter – Team Welcome Welcome to Doing Business in the New Millennium online. This class will be taught 100% online. Prior to today you should have received information about the BlackBoard home page, The first week of class is Tuesday September 7, 2010. We will not meet individually or as a group at any time during the course. Our class will “meet” through logging on to BlackBoard, a program that will serve as my vehicle for delivering the class to you. In a sense, Blackboard will be our “classroom” for the journey ahead. I will provide information, give assignments, and conduct discussions through BlackBoard. For instructions regarding using BlackBoard, please refer to the various help links contained on the BlackBoard home page For more information, please refer to the contact information at the end of this letter. Course Materials There is not a “text” for the course but there is one book report. You will report on So You Wanna Be a Rock n Roll Star by Jake Slichter which is available at as well on reserve in the WPU Library.. You will also be required to complete assignments on a weekly basis. Course Structure Each week, I will pose questions based on the material on Assignments page. Assignments will be assigned weekly. Early each week, you will log on and check for new “Announcements” regarding class, then proceed to Assignments. There you will find the questions for discussion. Each week, we will also have a “Virtual Classroom” where we will discuss the assignments and current events. Times will vary for the VC and will be posted. Since this is not a required course, I will assume that your interest in the subject is very high, and you will be eager to participate. You will be required to complete the assignments and stay in pace with the class. Past students have really enjoyed the course. The subject matter will be fun, but the course is an academic course. The syllabus for the course will be located in Syllabus. Contact Information Contact me via e-mail at anytime you have a question. Please do not contact me for help with any technology-related problems. I will not be able to help. How to Access Blackboard: To log on to Bb point your web browser to and click the Login button in the upper left. Then enter your username and password in the spaces provided and click login again -- you'll find your course Bb sites listed on the right. Good luck and enjoy yourself.