
New Research Center Focused on Paterson

A new multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary research center dedicated to research focused on the Paterson metropolitan area has been launched on campus this semester.

The Paterson Metropolitan Region Research Center seeks to promote a greater understanding of the history, importance, and contemporary relevance of the Paterson metropolitan area to North Jersey’s citizens. Its primary mission will be to provide opportunities for faculty and student research about the region. Vincent Parrillo, professor of sociology, serves as interim director.

“The Center will serve as a valuable resource to virtually all undergraduate and graduate academic programs, as well as to continuing education and community engagement efforts,” says Warren Sandmann, provost. “As an umbrella organization dedicated to furthering research, disseminating research findings, and promoting a greater understanding of the Paterson metropolitan region both within the academic community and to our neighboring communities, the Center will enhance the University’s public image and help the institution fulfill its mission of community outreach.”

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