Quality Matters (QM)

QUALITY MATTERS:  A National Benchmark for Online Course DesignQuality Matters at William Paterson University

Quality Matters (QM) is a leader in quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its peer-based approach to continuous improvement in online education and student learning. The program features:

- Faculty-centered, continuous improvement models for assuring the quality of online courses through peer review
- Professional development workshops and certification courses for instructors and online learning professionals
- Rubrics for applying quality standards to course design

Step 1: The instructional designers receive training from Quality Matters in applying the rubric, peer evaluations and face-to-face facilitating 
Step 2: Faculty volunteers from across the curriculum receive similar training from QM and/or the instructional designers 
Step 3: Rubric application is disseminated across the curriculum and faculty begin applying the concepts to their online and/or blended courses and the process of course certification begins

Graduates of the initial QM workshop can use the Stepping Up to Quality program to move into the course review process

The intial course review is often the casual Self-Review: http://www.wpunj.edu/irt/ctt/qm/qm-self-review.pdf

Anyone interested in learning more can contact Robert Harris -- he or a member of the staff are happy to speak to individuals, groups, departments or colleges to describe the program and to ask what we can do for you!

Cheng Library 120K -- harrisr -- 973.720.2451

The Quality Matters Process

Quality Matters at William Paterson