Happy New Year from the Cotsakos College of Business (CCOB)!
As 2018 begins, I am happy to share with you greetings from Siamack Shojai, Dean of the Cotsakos College of Business (CCOB) and several exciting developments in the CCOB.
Recent accounting alumni and students told us finding an affordable CPA prep course to take is a challenge. In response the CCOB has entered a relationship with GLEIM CPA Review to present a live review course to prep students for the exam immediately after graduation. The course will start in May of 2018 and go through mid-October, meeting on campus on Saturdays. In addition, future WP CPAs will have immediate access to the essential tools to jump-start their careers and successfully pass the CPA exam – at a deeply discounted cost. To learn more about this initiative please follow this link.
During the past academic year, thirty-two faculty members attended conferences across the country and around the world. Between 2011 and 2016, CCOB faculty published more than 500 peer-review journal articles and other scholarly and professional manuscripts. WP Health Economics professor Rahi Abouk, the lead author of a research study showing how a mandatory screening test reduces infant deaths, was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in December 2017. Click here for a summary of Dr. Abouk’s research and a link to the full research article. |
Alumnus Matthew Murphy, MBA ’11 is the CMO of Chime Technologies, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Matthew recently wrote a special guest feature, Inside Big Data, How Big Data is Shaking Up the Real Estate World - for InsideBigData.com. To read his featured article, click here.