William Paterson University Golf Outing Participation Options
Mark your calendars:
Thursday, October 5, 2017
We love our golfers and golf sponsors! But if you cannot spend a full day on the golf course, or if you do not golf, there are still ways you or your company can participate:
- Attend the cocktail and dinner reception – Network with our event sponsors, golfers, University senior administrators, and other dinner guests.
- Sponsor a tee sign – Help us raise funds for scholarships while advertising your/your company’s support of William Paterson University. Reproduced signs are on our event’s web page for optimal sponsor benefit. To view last year’s tee sponsor link, click https://issuu.com/wpunj/docs/issuu_signs_2016_b4dcf5e8397857.
- Donate product to our events auction or swag bag – Advertise your company with logo-enhanced products in the event’s swag bag and/or donate to the auction. Description sheets for items include your logo/name as donor. All donations are acknowledged in the program and on the event website. Contact datzkor@wpunj.edu for more information.
- Follow and share – “Golf Wednesday’s” social media outreach to your contacts to help spread the word:

For more information, click here.
Add your name and address to our brochure mailing list.
Email info to datzkor@wpunj.edu.

Funds raised support scholarships and student programming at William Paterson University.
2017 Golf Committee Members
Jean Aires ’64 MA ’88, Regina “Gigi” Canavan ’88, Richard Datzko ’16, Pamela Ferguson, Robert Fetterly ’75, Amy Ibrahimaj, Gail Kinney, Andrew Lewis, Allen Magrini, Meredith McCarthy Makkai, Craig Rothenberg ’81, and Robert “Bob” VanLangen ’75.