
As we settle into the new school year I want to share a few new and exciting initiatives taking place at WP:

Preakness Hall
On September 29th, the new Preakness Hall (formerly Hunzinger Wing) will open with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The new building features state-of-the-art Kinesiology Labs, as well as multi-use classrooms and an auditorium, for the College of Science and Health and the College of Humanities And Social Sciences.

On October 14th, you are invited to tour the new labs, participate in activities, and hear keynote speakers Judy Lo Bianco, President-Elect, Society of Health & Physical Education (SHAPE America) and Bill Parisi, Founder of Parisi Franchise Systems, Inc. RSVP here for this event!

A Year-Long Exploration of the Culture, Politics & Science of Food

This year, WP will sponsor a series of talks, theatre and musical performances, panel discussions, workshops, art exhibits, and even a hike led by naturalist Wildman Steve Brill to forage for edibles on our campus. Our Distinguished Lecturer series speaker in Spring 2018 features Alice Waters, founder of the farm-to-table movement. For more information, and to buy tickets to any of these events, click here.

A few more items of note....
•  WP was chosen to sponsor one of the gubernatorial election debates on October 18th.
•  William Paterson is the third most diverse public university in NJ.
•  William Paterson is the first public college or university in NJ with a civic engagement requirement as part of the core curriculum.

There are so many great things happening at WP and you are cordially invited to our Homecoming Weekend, October 14th-15th to see for yourself! I hope to see you there, as I would love to hear about your experiences, take you on a tour, and let you know the variety of opportunities available to become involved and engaged with William Paterson University.

Please call me if there is anything I can do for you.

Michael Russo
Director of Development – College of Humanities and Social Sciences & College of Science and Health
William Paterson University
Hobart Manor
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
Phone: 973-720-3990
Email: russom28@wpunj.edu

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William Paterson alumni are a force of nearly 70,000 strong––a worldwide network of graduates who have achieved great things in their careers, for our society, for our university, and for our students. Your accomplishments are a source of pride and inspiration as we continue to build the mission and values of William Paterson University.

William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470     973-720-2478     annualfund@wpunj.edu