
William Paterson University is looking for an alumnus to help us create a non-denominational holiday card that will be sent to hundreds of
William Paterson alumni and friends
from the Institutional Advancement team this December.

We are looking for original artwork that incorporates holiday/winter themes and depicts some aspect of WP life—campus landscapes/landmarks, alumni, students, or any creative use of the WP brand.

The actual artwork may be in any visual media (photography, painting, computer generated, drawing) but it must translate to a
2D image that can be placed on the card—that is, can be scanned or photographed without losing impact. 
You may submit a JPEG or GIF for consideration, but the final image must be available in a press-quality PDF or EPS file.

The final image will be selected by the staff who will be signing the cards.

The selected artist will be credited on the card and receive a WP gift basket!

Submit your artwork to Elizabeth Fitzpatrick at or call her at 973-720-3811 if you have any questions.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 4!


William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470     973-720-3811