
Dear Friends,

Words cannot adequately express what a great Wednesday evening our WP Deans, Associate Deans and I spent meeting you, our wonderful Washington DC-area alumni! As if we ever had any doubt, you clearly demonstrated to us that Pioneer Pride is alive beyond the confines of our New Jersey campus!
Although you are not geographically close, I hope that I can offer some ways through which you can strengthen your connection to WP:
1.      Volunteer to serve as a Pesce Mentor. Established last year by a generous donation from WP alumni Will ’73 and Henrietta ‘72 Pesce and their family, The Pesce Family Mentoring Institute provides an opportunity to match students/mentees with mentors who work in fields of students’ interest or related academic majors. Regular contact with mentees can easily be maintained through phone, Skype, or email. For more information or to volunteer, please click here.

2.      Be a “virtual” attendee at an upcoming webinar program. Webinars are held monthly and cover a wide variety of career and personal interest topics. If you are technologically savvy, you might want to serve as a webinar presenter from your remote location! For more information on upcoming webinars, regularly check the WP alumni calendar at www.wpunj.edu/alumni. Please contact Sharon Ryan at ryans3@wpunj.edu for more information.

3.       Keep in touch through social media! William Paterson University hosts a variety of social media platforms, all of which will keep you informed on breaking University and alumni news! Visit us online:
twitter    facebook   instagram   linkedin   youtube

4.      Thanks to Eugenia Zak ’97 and Kisha Manning Bilal ‘07 for volunteering to spearhead the development of a WP Washington DC-area alumni chapter! If you would also like to be involved in chapter planning, please contact me at schwartzj3@wpunj.edu.

5.      Please ensure that we always have your most recent address, phone, and email information so you will continue to receive WP Magazine, Alumni Community e-News, and important messages from University President Kathleen Waldron. To update your contact information, click here.

6.      Don’t hesitate to let us know in advance if you are planning to visit the Wayne, NJ area. We will be happy to arrange a campus tour – or even try to make arrangements for you to speak to students about your areas of expertise or career experiences.
I look forward to seeing you again in the near future. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me with concerns or to discuss additional ways in which you can be involved with William Paterson University.


Janis Schwartz

PS: As I mentioned on Wednesday, click here to view the excellent coverage of William Paterson University in Hispanic Outlook in Higher Ed magazine!


William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470     973-720-2175     alumni@wpunj.edu