
Attention all alumni!

Do you have an interesting job? or a fascinating hobby? If you have an expertise in a subject, and would like to share it with your fellow alumni and/or students, let us know!

Opportunities are available to speak at:

1.  Alumni panels - where you can share your story of your life at WP, and how you got to where you are now in your career.

2.  Webinars - whether your career or your hobby is your passion, here is your chance to let your knowledge shine! Let us know your area of interest, and we'll see if we can make a match!

3.  Mash-Up events - looking for speakers on a wide array of topics - especially those with a true passion for their "hobby."  Are you an amateur race car driver? Do you read tarot cards or tell fortunes? Maybe you are a weighlifter...or a work with animals or are an expert in solar power....or maybe you're a magician or zookeeper!  Tell us your specialty - we would love to work with you!


If you have an interest in any of the above, please contact us at Send us your name and contact info, along with the topic you have an expertise in.

Thank you!

William Paterson University
300 Pompton Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470     973-720-2175